Surveillance Station Licenses

Surveillance Station Licenses Average ratng: 10,0/10 6502 reviews

While I understand v8 of Surveillance Station is in beta, I didn't expect it to invalidate one if my licenses. I have the built in 2 camera licenses and I purchased 2 additional 4pack (CPL4) licenses. Right after I upgraded Surveillance Station decided to mark one of my licenses as INVALID.

Surveillance station download

Network Attached Storage (NAS) for home and business, Synology is dedicated to provide DiskStation NAS that offers RAID storage, storage for virtualization, backup, NVR, and mobile app support. I own a DS-1511+ and years ago I bought two additional licenses for new IP-Cams. I used this in my DS-1511+, but did not save the registration card. In the surveillance station the license keys are activated and functioning. Buy Synology 4-Camera License Key for Synology Surveillance Station featuring Expands Existing Synology System, Compatible with Various Cameras. Review Synology. I contacted Synology asking if these licenses were tied to a specific camera because I was going to swap out lower quality cameras in the future. They replied that the license is. Human interface device driver.

It then prompted me to either add more licenses or remove cameras. I have a total of 9 cameras with 10 licenses. In theory even if one of my CPL4 licenses are marked as invalid that would leave me with 6 active licenses, but Surveillance Station knocked all cameras off and deactivated them. If I have 6 remaining valid licenses why can't I activate 6 cameras while synology troubleshoots why one of my licenses were invalidated. I should have the ability to have camera active that corresponds to the number of camera licenses I have Now back to the bigger problem.why was my license key marked as invalid? I've been using my keys for over a year and then upon upgrade it invalidates on of them? Synology should build in a safeguard that it checks licenses prior to upgrading and if there is going to be a problem it flags it.

Very simple to look up licenses. I've read older forums that said people received invalid licenses when they upgraded from v6 to v7 of Surveillance Station. You would think that for this upgrade you do a root cause analysis and lessons learned based upon the previous upgrade so you prevent them from happening again. I called tech support and they said we need time to review the ticket. When the entire system goes down this should be escalated and looked into immediately. Briboynyc wrote:Ticket opened, but rather than considering possible issues related to the beta rollout it became prove your the owner of the license key.

Tech support and troubleshooting is about 'SUPPORT' and not trying to accuse people of having fraudulent licenses. Rather than looking into possibilities of how this could be happening it becomes a futile effort of support saying unless you prove with a receipt and license booklet your the owner we won't support you. I mean, they're literally just asking for proof you actually bought the keys from somewhere legitimate and not somewhere that sold the keys to multiple people.